This blog is mainly a place for me to put my 'photo a day' photos. Some people don't really understand the idea behind it, or how it works, so I'll try and explain ...
I used to take a lot of photos, but I haven't in the past few years. I think about the past few years and nothing really springs to mind, the big events do but not the everyday things that I used to appreciate. I have come to realise that I remember situation alot better when I have taken a photo or one has been taken. I don't really want to think about he next few years and only remember the big things.
So, I suppose this project is to get me back into taking photos, and along the way learn more about the technical aspects of photography. But, mainly it will be used to make me open my eyes and look for the different and unusual. Find something interesting everyday.
Rules: Take at least one photo a day. That's it. I can take more, it just has to be at least one and on anything that either summarised the day, was the most interesting thing i did etc. I want to look back at these photos and be able to remember the day.
Fish in tank at Chinese Restaurant on Sussex St
Wonderful idea to remember a day and you have taken some fantastic pics!!! :)