Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Interest in Colors, I discover Myself

Last thing I have felt like doing has been playing about on the computer. Now that I have FINISHED Uni for the year!!! *pause for virtual pats on the back*. I did however spend some time at the photo printing place printing some photos. Truly it is getting out of hand. I am doing 200 at a time and I still have some on my card.

 284 photo-a-day photos - 22/11

It is getting to the time where I have to decide what I am going to do with all my photo-a-day photos. I have printed them so I have a hard copy. I was also thinking of making one of those photo book things. Umming and arrgghhhing. All done while I was still in Uni mode.

Salad Days - 23/11

Ben and Jerry's for dinner after last nights salad feast. Bland as. Salmon and other salad things that were kicking about the fridge. So I decided a drive to Manly Ben and Jerry's was called for. Just not the same as the closer Ben and Jerry's Hoyts Broadway... not even a real store. FARCE!

I had the Chunky Monkey and New York Super Fudge Chunk. Really don't think anyone needs a review. The ice-cream is good. Get some. They sell the mini pints in stores/deli around Sydney if you can't make the trek to Manly. Or, to the scabby half shop at Broadway.

 Creamy Ice - 24/11

Got rid of all my Uni crap off my wall. Still have some of my textbooks and notes flying about on my desk. At least I don't have to look up and see notes and deadlines for a few more months. Woo Hoo and other such celebratory chants. Now it is just has cards, A-Town related stuff and my Big Day Out ticket. Note the registered post envelope on for the ticket... my postie threw it on the ground near the box. Idiot. BDO won't replace and lost tickets either. Much fist shaking was going on. 
 Ma Wall - 25/11

Really have to get my shit together on this A-Town deal! I have 122 towns/places on the list and so far I have done16. Planning it has been the hardest. I probably could have just gone to most of these places already and seen them, but that is not what the A-Town thing is about. I spend a fair amount of time researching the places and planning when will be the best time to go these places based on events.

If I were to do this again I would have researched and planned the trips and then said that I planned on going travelling around NSW within 2010. Think I'm just going to make it an ongoing thing. Whenever I finish A I'll probably move onto another random letter. Or, maybe places with 'can' or 'son' in the name... But first I need to go to 106 places.

A-Towns (Key To DoMiss,  Done) - 26/11

My Cousins eldest Daughter, Maddison, had her 4th birthday part-tay at her place on the sat night. Really nice cake, wish I managed to get one of the flowers though.

Happy Birthday - 27/11

My cousin lives out west so I thought I'd knock over one of the move out of the way A-Towns whilst there. Agnes Banks was on the cards. Not the best day to be taking photos. Am yet to do the post. Nice scenery, looks like a little village.

Serenity - 28/11


Obscure photo of nothing....is the lane way near my house. Could not rotate the photo. Comp was having none of it.

Tilt - 29/11

DVD! My brother used to call them DDD's. Ooo the comedy Max. I have been avoiding getting Pushing Daisies as I knew it would be the final season and there would be many a loose end. Great show. Don't know why it was cancelled. Do The Right Thing is being promoted heaps in the past few months because of the anniversary. NOTORIOUS, after bringing it home I got the feeling that I have seen it already and Some Like It Hot. It was in my notebook with an arrow pointing to it which means 'this is important'. Have no idea why I was quite set on myself seeing it. I think someone famous really likes it. I also have a memory of watching a doco on Little Richie and 'it' being compared 'that film'. I thought "obviously" and didn't bother taking notes.

DDD's - 30/11

Must remember not to use shorthand with myself.

- A

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When a Good Time Turns Around

Even though I am on my computer everyday I still find it much easier to only update the blog every few days. It also means that the less impressive photos go into a post with the nicer more thought out ones. Creates a better balance. All completely intentional and not at all to do with my increased laziness.

The Steve Irwin ride at Broadway has been replaced. *sad face* Never rode the old one and I have no intention of taking a whirl on this one. Find it slightly odd that they would replace a ride for kids with a character that most kids would not know. Wasn't Pink Panther a thief??? I am currently on the net but still too lazy to check that 'fact'. 

 A large cat on a van - 16/11

Uni sucks. Period. Late night meandering around the campus. Library is conveniently located near the bar. So close that you can hear the uproarious good time mixed with awkward flirting.

 Getting all artistic - 17/11

The Netball team I filled in for last season won the grand final. I am now a full paying member and got a commemorative mug for being in the winning team. Alas, it was a tad windy and my mug was used a weight for the scoreboard and got a 'minor chip'. Note the bloody finger from when I thrust my hand in there to check on its condition.

 Meow - 18/11

The Silver Bullet has reached a momentous occasion! Clocked over 140 000Kms! Shoddily taken on my camera phone whilst at the lights. I have had this car for 7 years. It has helped me move to 9 houses. It may be on the way. It has a bag of coins in the right left wheel, sounds like a dishwasher, and a Duck living in the clutch. I will be sad when I have to say farewell...

Oh, happy 'birthday' - 19/11

My first Roller Derby bout. Sydney's Pistola Cholas took victory of Newcastle's Dockyard Dames. This was the last Sydney bout for the season and I wish I had seen more. 

Pistola Chola Winnie Bruise looking for a break in the pack - 20/11

I am a big fan of the break when writing any sort of uni assignment, resets my thoughts and stops the rambles. It has to be some sort of productive break through. I made ANZAC biscuits. Little bit thick though and somewhat hard/crisp. 

Biscuits - 21/11

And that was the week that was!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Around The Traps

Have been busy and therefore quite slack on putting anything on here. Also, didn't feel like it cause I have not done anything interesting. 

 Happy fruit - 08/11

At uni a lot now. Doing assignment. I work heaps better in the dead of night under the fluorescent lighting in the library. See I do check the blog even if I don't update. Moderating all those comments. 

 Double time on those essays - 09/11

Still at Uni. I do go home for sleep. I get there late. It's like power study. Not in focus as it was 1:30am and I was on my way out and TIRED.

 Uni courtyard - 10/11

Sometimes... there truly is nothing to photograph. This is the house recycling. It looked a lot better in my mind. All shiny. Not so much in photographic from I guess.

Drink? - 11/11

 The Silver Bullet is soooo power that just by merely tapping the gutter I can blow a tyre. Awesome skills.

 It had to be a 28 degree day too - 12/11

My first beach day of the year! Finished work at 1:30pm. Decided Freshwater would be best option. Walked down and noticed it looked a bit choppy but thought I'd wing it. Not exactly the best swimmer and do have a bit of a fear of the ocean. I got thrashed. In for a total of 15 mins. Think I managed to stand upright for about 2. Massive drag, went in at the flags and ended up further down the beach. Talked to Flatmate D after and he said Manly was closed for swimmers that day and told me some more Aly friendly beaches for next time.

Sticking close to the guards - 13/11

P and I are trying to do regular runs of a Monday arvo. Again that didn't happen because of rain.

sad flowers - 14/11

Again with the rain. Seriously. I have heard rumours that this crap weather will continue throughout Summer. Kinda glad that I managed a swim the other day then.

Weird flower hybrid - 15/11

One more week and Uni will be gone. Done. Maybe I'll have a ceremonial burning of my two least fav subject textbooks.

- A

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rollin' With Ma Homies

Have not done much of late to actually knock anything off 'The List'. Will hopefully be doing more of that fun stuff when Uni is on break in about two weeks. Until then I will be taking random shots of crap to learn more about my camera.

 Pile o' wood. That's it - 03/11

 Can not remember taking the next one or where it is actually... Kinda goes against my 'a photo to represent everday' thing. Maybe that day was completely forgettable? Not really, it just rained and crap weather. Did go to a friends musical, not allowed to take photos though.

 Flowers of some sort - 04/11

 A can of soft drink watching traffic on Epping Rd. I like foreign packaging. They always look so happy and colourful. The ants crawling around it said it tasted OK also.

 Coconuts in Marsfield - 05/11

One event of the week was a friends birthday at Petersham Bowling Club. Bit of a rainy day so we didn't get many rolls in.

I was second closest on this roll - 06/11

So... last night it had been raining. They was a lack of cabs. I was on the phone calling one as I was leaping out of the way of a puddle onto the kerb and BAMMM my phone jumped out of my hand. Still works. Just can't clean it or press hard o the screen. Or put it close to my face. I surveyed the damage this morn. Apart from that it's awesome!

Awww crap - 07/11

- A

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gonna Take Polution Down To Zero

We start our week off with a Halloween Party! I went as Gi from Captain Planet. I think the costume confused a few people. One person got it without prompting. That's me on the left there. Dancing with my glow stick.

Photo courtesy by P - 30/10

Birthday drink s for Mill at Ching-a-Lings on Oxford St. I had heard this place was quite easy to walk past. P said to call when I had arrived. I said I'm here but there the address is actually a spray tan salon. So Ching-a-Lings front signage is a Spray Tan salon.

Whats ya beef? - 31/10

It is one of Sydney's new 'exclusive' small bars which is probably why it is kinda difficult to find. Interiors were nice, pure black walls with  seating out on a terrace type area. Cosy couches, lighting made up of many caged light globes. I wasn't drinking because I had to drive. I had been told that the drinks there are minimal. Only a few varieties of each type of alcohol. I'd like to go back.

Came across a family of ducks at Uni. Just tried to find out what a family of ducks are called. No luck. I did find out that a male duck is called a drake! One of the big ducks, I'm going with Mum, ran at me. After that they ran away from me.

Drake and his crew - 01/11

Another riveting day in the life of Aly. Melbourne Cup. I didn't place a bet. Had not looked that much into it this year. I thought I would hang about at Uni to watch the race on the courtyard big screen. I had hoped for some enthusiastic jumping and whooping. Not so much.

 The race that stops stuff - 02/11

Finishing up Uni for the year. A few more essays to go and then I am done. Finished. For a few months at least.

- A