Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Another dinner post.

No amount of fancy photography or great camera skills can make this dinner look even slightly good.

Lamb???? - 30/06

I am only including this because I got so dejected when I was having dinner I thought it worthy of 'photo of the day' status.

I love to cook and still consider myself someone who does cook. But I can't remember the last time I made a proper meal. Maybe I should make 'Financial New Year Resolution' to be make a proper meal for myself at least once a month.

- A

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just call me Charlie Conway

Got to, somewhat, fulfill my Mighty Ducks dream of skating on ice outside.

Got my skates on - 29/06

Alas, there was no Emilio Estevez to impart some worldly knowledge to me.
Ice skating was part of the Sydney Winter Festival. We went to the St Marys Cathedral one. Many a massive stack on the ice. Suprisingly, given my incredible lack of coordination and balance, I am pretty good on the ice.

- A

Monday, June 28, 2010

I feel my temperature risin'

Finally got to meet some of my fellow Uni Museum Society peeps. We had dinner at a pizza pasta place near uni.

scabby leftovers - 28/06

Conveniently the chef decided that all meals needed chili. That is every pizza except the Margherita, which was only bought out once. To put out the fire in my belly I had (for me) an excessive amount of soft drink. For those in the know I make noises like souls escaping from the depths of hell when I have sugary drinks... doesn't generally impress people for some reason. Had a good time despite the fact my lips were on fire and I was making noises like I had eaten cats.

- A

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Learn it, know it, live it

There are a few of these hats about. I saw a few in photos from Royal Easter Show. Still, who wants a dingo or a Husky as a hat??? There is also a pig not pictured if that is your thing. There was a lady sitting in the booth thingo that's why it is a dodgy far away photo.

Scalping is back - 25/06

Driving back from work and faffing about and saw the moon was quite round. Pulled over at Wentworth Park in Glebe and took a few photos for about half hour.

Moon rising - 26/06

Some man with a greyhound told me I should send it in to that Bailey guy and win a 'looma' camera... I think he meant Lumix. He also had a tear coming down one cheek.

Drinks in Balmain fro a friends birthday meant I could impress the inner west with my awesome dance moves.

Moving to fast to be capture by film

Obviously impressed some people cause a  guy coming dashing up and said
"I don't want you or anything, I do want to dance with you though".
He didn't dance with me though *Aly has sad face.

JB Hifi had a bit of a sale and tempted me to buy things I don't need. Including some musical DVDs, always so happy. A 'gen x' double of 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' with 'Breakfast Club' and some CDS

My cool factor rises exponentially - 27/06

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Here comes Peter... ?

Nothing quite say June like Easter Donuts.

Mega savings! - 24/06

I think they may be Easter because of the shape. Are donuts an Easter thing? Is June the new April? Yeah I bought them... shame. They didn't taste like Easter either. Just a mass of bread/donut with crap on top. FARCE!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I went to Carriageworks to see a music photography exhibition called 'Unreal Rock' by a phtographer called Jacques L'Affrique David Porter. A few interesting photos. Some from the Sunbury festival with a many photos of Aussie bands and a few international acts. On my wlk around I saw this exhibition called Vernon Treweeke:UV3D. Promising him to be the Father of Aussie psychedelia.

The artworks were done in glow paint and the room was flooded with blue UV lights which made the colours really vivid. There were 3D glasses to wear (dodgy paper ones). I was trying to take a photo of myself in front of some of the works.

Awesome selfie- 23/06

I wanted to get one of me in front of the main one. I was in the room on my own, clicking away and getting quite close backwards to this piece. Didn't notice the 'person' seated on the ground. Briefly shat myself and wondered if it was a 'real person' like on of those living sculptures.

Kinda see the man/woman, bottom mid.

Fantastic exhibition, both of them. I think the painting one made more of an impact because I have never seen glow paint and 3D stuff before. Better 3D then the films. Highly recommended. It is a little saucy, be careful if one is senstive to painted busty figures. This guy was mates with Whiteley, so its that kind of saucy-ness.  

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Out on the street

Have been having my sunset withdrawals and Maroubra was so nice I decided to give Bondi a bit of a go. Bondi is quite quite cold and windy of a night.

Pub in Bondi - 22/06

I love the architecture of the area. My Nan lived just off Campbell Pde on Francis St when she my my age, I wonder how different it looks now.

- A

Monday, June 21, 2010

Life ain't no track meet

What else would I do on Monday night at 6pm, after rain, but wander around Maroubra Beach and rocks looking for a GIANT Rubiks cube... covering a storm water drain. At least I had an indication that it was on the water. Still couldn't find it though. Maroubra is not that bad of a place at night.  

Looking towards the city - 21/06

It was a bit chilly but not overly cold. Quite dark. It had been raining. Didn't expect that much mud though.  

Had to take a photo to see how bad the damage was.

This looks a whole lot better on my screen. I've noticed that when I print my photos the blues become deeper and more vivid.

Made a quick dash over to Tatooine before returning home.

I'll be going back in the daylight to find this cube now. The area is a lot bigger then I had originally realised. Surely it would be around where I was...

- A

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Keep Australia colourful

Found an article in Drum Media a few weeks ago with talking about street art and crime and trying to promote discussion as to why people think graffiti, or street art, is criminal. This was done by a few people including Beastman. My flatmate went to an unused school in the Eastern Suburbs recently where the classrooms have been changed into skate ramps, one of Eastman's pieces were in the photos my flat-y showed... which prompted my trip.

They Keep Painting, We Keep Painting - 20/06

I like this style of street art. Not too much of a fan of the one line tags and such. I think these pieces do add something to the area. I usually get motivated to find these things late at night when the lighting is crap. Now that uni is on holidays I shall force myself onto the streets in daylight.

- A

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Running for the thrill of it

Birthday drinks for a friend in the city. Had a few drinks and watched the Aust game at a pub and hung about until nearly 4am. Pretty good effort considering.I had to work a few hours later.

Lights???? - 19/06

Didn't really take into account the trip home... not many cabs driving around Oxford St on a Sat night at 4am. Had to bust into an impromptu run all the way to Central to finally get one, not minding the running now. I was at a pub and may of had a few drinks so I can't really remember what this is suppose to be a photo of. Possibly one of my on the fly photos of something really quite important.

- A

Friday, June 18, 2010

Let us drink the stars

I used to be quite scared to be driving about in the city. Not anymore though... I'm an adult who wears high heels and goes to the shops on my own and everything.

3 Wise Monkeys - 18/06

I had to drop some friends into Surry Hills and City for a raging night whilst I had a quite one at home. Work likes to completely ruin my weekend nights by rostering me on at 6am. Bitch.

- A

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Resuming transmission

Yayz! The SD card is working... still don't know what happened to it. My computer is not particularly friendly with other media, there has also been issues with my iPod. Quick weekly wrap-up.

Willy Wonka party -13/06

Didn't take many photos that night. Had a fantastic chat with someone for majority of the night and so involved I forgot to actually take photos. Great party, didn't get any photos of my outfit that I resized from a MooMoo Size 18 to my size 10. It is proven that I am totally awesome!

New hair - 14/06

It was cut the morning of the party. After some photos were put on FB my sis rang to ask if I had shaved my head! Some of the photos made me look like I had that undercut mushroom look all the cool guys at school used to have. Don't think I have enough sass to pull that look off.

Its a Farce! - 15/06

I didn't take this one on the 15th *shock. My camera deleted some photos I took at the Willy Wonka party and a few others, includ. the one from this day. It has '' around the outside of the figure. Typed it in the the email box and someone 'photobucket' site came up. Don't know if this is where I was to go????

Photos - 16/06

Printed off my photos finally. Think there is 140 or something. All quality material. I'm up to day 130 or so of this thingo and so far have only 'missed' 2 days. Send congratulatory cards in the form of comments or email.

Netball - 17/06

Netball. Ran on. Threw myself about in an uncoordinated fashion. Got a little elbow-y. Played like I did when I went to state... yeah I went to state for Netball, whatever. Represented my hometown, kicked some ass (not really), think I only got into the team because my aunt coached.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This speech is my recital

A blog I read regularly is Veronica Darling. Inspiring creator of vintage clothing made from recycled fabrics. She recently asked Internet peeps some questions. Thought I'd answer them considering I have never really 'put myself' in the blog.

What's the best thing about making things (clothes, housestuff, or gardening etc)?
I haven't really made that much stuff, mainly clothing accessories (bags) or housestuff. I enjoy giving them to people. Most people appreciate that it takes time and effort to make these things. I make this stuff for people because to me it shows them how much I think of them as a person. A handmade gift  show that the person spent a lot of time and thought on creating something. My stash mainly consists of fabrics from my Nan so I enjoy using stuff that she picked out and it's also good for the environment to re-use.

What's your favourite tv show/film at the moment?
Apart from True Blood.... I just saw 'Exit Through The Gift Shop' recently which was fantastic. Band of Brothers is always on high rotation. I was recently referred to Pushing Daisies and after watching the first season I don't know if I want to see the second and final cause then it will all be over. Can't believe it was cancelled.

What do you look forward to doing on Saturday mornings?
I'm a student and work causally so most days are like a Saturday for me. What do I like to do on my 'off days'... go to museums and wonder around and not *have* to be anywhere. Spose I should also mention that I occasionally like to see people and do exciting things with them so I don't look like a loner.

What's a song that you know off by heart?
Classic hits such as 'Whoomp! There It Is' - Tag Team those lyrical genius', I'm from the country so you know I know all the words to 'The Gambler'. Also all the words (complete with inflection) of 'It's Tricky' - Run DMC. Nothing outrageous.

When you're sewing (or crafting) what's the thing you really love doing and the thing you really dread?
When sewing I really don't like the thread part of it all. I know its the only bit that hold the whole thing together but it's a pain with the whole threading the needle and the re-doing of the bobbin. What I do like is the coming together at the end. I have never used a pattern to make the basic stuff I have. Am always pleasantly surprised.when what I planned actually eventuates. Eg. I made messenger bag with pouches and front cover from no pattern,. Yeah, I'm awesome like that.

What's a skill (in sewing or elsewhere) that you'd like to improve?
I'd like to be able to sew from a pattern. I don't know why I am so scared of using one???? I'd also like to be able to cast-on my knitting without having to check the book all the time. Obviously the big skill to improve on would be my photography which is one of the reasons I started this blog.

How long do you spend reading blogs (per day or per week)?
Don't know maybe an hour, I read many. I think because I read so many I get all caught up in it and never actually comment. I have commented a few times at different ones, never consistent though. My favs are in my 'profile' bit of my page.
Hope you found something exciting, new, not so awful but still surprising about me.
Thanks Veronica Darling for the questions.
- A

I'll stick around...

No new photos for awhile. Sorry loyal follows ; (
My comp is dying. It won't read my SD card when I put in it. Don't think I got a cord either. So... can't really upload any photos.

Convenient considering I have a photo blog right.

On another note. My comp has also decided to ruin my world by making all text on the internet 5 point text. AWESOME. Also making this situation more awesome is the fact that I still don't have new glasses.

I think the universe is trying to tell me to give up the blog.

I'll continue with the photo taking. Maybe just back date every photo I take from now one.

Also, that last post I wrote reads like shit. I wrote it at a friends house and we were talking as I was writing. I did have an awesome interesting night, doubt that is conveyed through my stilted writings.

To make this post a little lighter not so depressing...

Photo not taken by me

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Run the red light

Creative Sydney put on a concert thing on Friday night at the MCA. The bar was good and I wanted to see Parades but were meeting friends for some FIFA drinks at Bungalow8 so couldn't really stick around. 
Had a good chat with someone about soulmates later on, which was great. Didn't get a photo of it though.

Lights in the bar at MCA - 11/06

Finally got to check out the markets in Newtown near The Hub on Saturday.Was looking for a bag to wear to a bag to take to a fancy dress party on Sunday. Didn't get anything and there is a lot of right shit at those markets to.

The Suffering - 12/06

My ex had this game on XBOX called The Suffering. Fantastic game, really scary though. Great game play but it used to give me nightmares after playing it. You are a guy who has been to sent to prison on an island where the warden does drug tests. While trying to break out you start to have drug hallucinations. Highly recommended is you can get your hands on one.

- A

Thursday, June 10, 2010

a garden where your flowers can bloom

Taking in a bit of Theatre *said in hoity toity voice.

The grand Entrance - 10/06

Actually I went to The State Theatre with some friends to watch a film as part of the Sydney Film Festival. We saw 'Winter's Bone'. Fantastically made, great story. All round top film. I gave it four out of five on my little voting slip. Wanted to take a photo in the cinema while watching the movie, but got all shy.

- A

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The future is quite different to the present

End of the week and uni will be over. Already started to plan what to do in my massive 7 weeks off!!! Think I'll start with a sleep, hella. Too exciting. Not much sleep though as I have much to do... oohhh mysterious.

Love Jungle - 08/06

Another boring arse dinner post!

Food - 09/06

Did nuthin today. Slept. Stopped sleeping. Threw myself about the house whilst eating toast and drinkin coffee. Watched 'Sunshine Cleaning' (alright). Worked on my essay throughout the day with somewhat success. Searched the Internet for things to sew that I never will. Highly productive day really.

Can you tell my trend with dinner? All the crap in the fridge mixed with pasta. I do eat meat, I actually had a mini steak to go in this but it somehow fell into my mouth whilst cooking the pasta. And... someone *stole* my mushroom! *shakes fist.

- A

Monday, June 7, 2010

Look up

Uni sucks. At least I have a desk on which to pile my crap. Hunched over my comp churning out essays has meant my back is killing. I stretch and look up. Goodness I have a lot of shit on my wall and my ceiling is quite high.

Inspiration? - 06/06

Have many things stuck above my desk to look at whilst procrastinating. Photos of people, fave photos I've taken, general crap like badges. It all helps to break the monotony

Dinner tasted like cat. I have never tasted cat. This tasted like the smell of wet cat *gag*.

blergh - 07/06

And... I have another one cause I was tight arse and bought in bulk. Maybe one of my flatmates will trade. Or I could swing a refund at the shops. Mmmmm, cat.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

pew pew pew*

Manning Bar at Syd Uni for John Steel Singers and Dappled Cities.

John Steel Singers - 05/-06

Much awesome hair amongst The John Steel Singers. I saw them a few weeks ago at OAF with Philly Jays which was why I wanted to go to tonights gig. Great live.

Mainly went for JSS but it was Dappled Cities who were headlining. I had only really heard their Grandance CD and saw them at the Aust Day concert in The Rocks which was just before they were to go overseas for awhile. So, this was there return home/Zounds tour.

The super happy lead (or joint lead) singer had a pretty cool shirt on, until I saw the keyboard guy. He had a shirt with a Pomeranian on it!

They had a laser show which pleased the whacked out uni kids. Guy standing next to me was 'freakin out'. Rubbing his eyes and eating the air. Nut. 

Really liked this gig, can't believe it was over so quick. Highly recommended. Both will be playing Beach Road Hotel in Bondi on June 25th... get some! The warm-up peeps made me a little sleepy. Needed a bit more enthusiasm from them, nice voices and music but were that new breed of timid women bands which I don't really enjoy. Man up!

EDIT: in all my excitment at the possibility of seeing these two bands together I read the venues wrong. Yikes! I know my word can be taken as gospel at time but occasionally... rarely I do get it wrong. You *can* see them on the 25th of June if you are in Bryon Bay at the Beach Hotel. Not to be confused with the Beach Road Hotel in Bondi... somewhat like I did.
- A

*thats the noise a laser makes

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sleepy, sleepy

Nothing to report. An all nighter/dayer pulled to do an essay.

Carpet - 04/06

Many leaves out the back because of torrential rain. Fark, soo tired. Hating uni.

- A

Thursday, June 3, 2010

*zoom zoom zoom

My Mission:
  • Complete two essays totalling 4 500 words in 24 hours.
Strengths :          
  • Ability to research for hours on any given subject
  • Acquire great information
  • Physical strength to carry 20 textbooks
  • Inablitly to formulate anything remotely resembling a coherent succinct essay
  • Horrible grammar, writing skills and language of a 10 year old
  • Lack of time management when it comes to uni 
*Sigh - 03/06
Good thing I'm doing a research degree.
- A

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cons aren't exactly grip-tastic

In the city tonight to watch 'Exit Through The Gift Shop'. Hilarious. Great film. Really well made and an interesting story. It was not so much about Banksy as about this guy that followed him and other street artist around whilst filming. Banksy is a pretty funny guy. I'll be buying it when it comes out in the shops.

Unexpected rain - 02/06

- A

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I went everywhere for you, I even did my hair for you

Eurovision party on Sunday night. Called Ma for advice on the Butterfly Cupcakes I was going to take, inject a bit of Australiana into a European night. She told me the winner... thanks Ma. I made my outfit, because thats how I roll. I decided to go as a group and had a few ideas but it all depended on what I could by and alter.

Not a passenger on the Mayflower - 30/05

I went as a member of the opening act of the 1982 Eurovision song contest... Portugal's Doce with their disco hit 'Bem-Bom'. Couldn't find a sparkly cowboy suit so it was more of a homage.


Uni, sometimes I want to kneecap you. I like the documentation side of this blog except when I look back at all the boring ass uni shit. I literally did not do much else on Monday. Here is 40 000 windows and tabs open for my criminology essay which is on Medicalisation, I'll be focusing on Eugenics and sterilisation. What a bunch of crazy ass people they are. One website compared sterilising a 'deranged' woman to forcing a child into school, they will both be grateful in the end. We need to stop these people from hanging about in doorways mumbling to themselves, that is from the website. The definition of who is actually 'deranged' is never stated. I'd link to it but I don't really want anymore promotion for that crap. They don't even bullshit factual evidence. Quoting 'Newspeak' from "1984" as a kind of back up to the claim of doing this for future generations.

Also have open there Band of Horses Myspace page, gave that a few rounds, there are some comments down the bottom which have music on them, so turn them off first . A list of dodgy movies to buy at JB whilst on sale.

Quite the multi-tasker - 31/05

Driving over the Gladesville Bridge after a late one at uni and I decided to see how to get onto the bridge for my sunrise. In the direct middle of the photo is the Harbour Bridge and of course to the left city and so on.

Ahhh, lights - 01/06

I ran up there and ran back... yep. Pri-tay cool I am. Decided to take a few photos on the fly.

Gladesville Bridge

They look like balloons or stick figures on their side.

- A

I have had the winning song in my head constantly.