Monday, September 27, 2010

Sew Fresh and Sew Clean

As part of my 30 Days Has September I decided to finish off all of my 'To Mend' clothing. That is the clothing that I wish to change into other things, or needs to be fixed.

 Stacks o fabric - 26/09

In descending order we have a large blue kaftan thing with 'gold' embroidery. A hot pink, raw silk, box-pleat, knee length size 6 skirt. An XXL green and yellow pinstripe short sleeve business shirt. Size 14 Broideree white dress. Already altered polyester blue long sleeve dress (with shoulder pads!). Nursing home uniform style shade of blue cotton dress, possible size 18. Halter neck dress.

I have plans for each of these. It has just been finding the time (and desk space) to finish them off. 

Woke up in the morning to find a birthday gift left for me from E! Super cute wrapping paper. I do have a thing for animals acting like people.

gifts! - 27/09

Inside was a sewing book I have wanted for awhile. It was an import so I must have put the contents out of my mind because I was pleasantly surprised by the projects. Thanks E, Chris and Will. 

And inside...

- A


  1. Hey Aly,
    Check out a blog called a dress a day (I think.) A girl revamps old vinnies dresses, (one a day :)) from really ugly things to slightly less, ugly things that fit her.

    Have fun with the book! E

  2. E. I have been reading that one, mega inspiration! I need to just do it rather then worry about if it will turn out right. I stuffed up the top item by just juming staright in. So instead of a dress it will now be a top/tunic thing, prob a better idea anyway.

    - A
