Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nothing ground breaking.

Drove to Uni late at night to borrow books from the uni library and try to write an essay in less than 12 hours. Managed and was pleased with the results. Shouldn't really continue in that way, I have already started planning now for my major essay due in 2 months.

Car with cardboard numberplate - 30/03

I live near Pidgeon Ground Records and they have some pretty clothes in the front window. I'm always near the shop late at night. Must try and get there soon...

kewl bird mural on the side of the shop - 31/03

Winding up for the end of term, things are pretty hectic this week.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've been slack...

Whoops, been a little busy neglectful.

Paste-up in Newtown - 24/03

Went to Soppho Books in Glebe to talk to my fellow 'Intimate Sphere ' course presenter for an assignment. I ordered a coffee (best I've had in ages) and... awwww.

How appropriate - 25/03

Speech done, and I'm outta here. On way to Narrandera which would be my base whilst taking in the festivities at Ardlethan Races. Drive was great. Loaded my iPod with 'Stuff You Should Know' podcasts. Also did the usual taking photos whilst driving. I don't get why my camera can take good photos while I'm driving 100Kph down the freeway, but gets a little blurry when I take a photo of someone kicking a ball???

Hume Highway, maybe near Gundagai - 26/03

And the big day came. My first 'A-Town'. Didn't take as many good photos as I had originally wished. Looking at the collection it would seem I was on my own, didn't take any photos really of the people I was with. Had a great day, didn't bet on anything. Checked out the fashion which was a mixed collection.

The only race I watched all of  - 27/03

After an epic day and night on Saturday my original plan to go to Adelong was put off till a later date. Had a lazy day on Sunday. Went and saw the Hankinson Memorial Fountain in Narrandera. It was made by Royal Doultan and given as a gift to the community as a memorial of those who dies in WW1. There is the same fountain in Karachi Pakistan 

Top part of fountain - 28/03

Got back late on Sunday. Went to my cousins and finally took in Avatar at the picture theatre. Quite a good movie. Managed to keep my 3D glasses this time.

Lookin kewl - 29/03

Many missed opportunities to take photos and many that turned out blurry means that I won't really be going on any adventures to take photos any time soon, pointless. Lost many photos because of slow shutter speed and resolution. My camera still takes great still images, if the subject moves all comes undone.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Red and Yellow..

After work on Monday I went and had a drink with Ellie at The Oaks in Neutral Bay. Just the one, my work put me on a fantasic turn around which meant that I would be having very little sleep. Am glad I went for one anyway. We were going to have another but being a school night we thought better go home.  

Light covers in the front bar - 22/03

Even though I only got home about 2 hours after I originally thought I would, I still sleep in. Oh Dickens!

Uni is becoming a little hectic. Dealing with a new job were I am treated like an idiot, uni which I am struggling to get a handle on and my others stuffs (blog and travel planning) has meant that I am not doing a lot of fun and interesting, informative things.

I ate an apple! - 23/03

Just found out that I taking my first "A Town" trip on my own. 6 and a half hours of the most boring drive in NSW on my own. I thought I enjoyed my own company but after 4 hours will prob go insane. Positives: I will get to pull over whenever I want and sing till I lose my voice. I suppose something else I am trying to do with all these trips and 'The List' stuff is to try and enjoy my own company and independence

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day at the beach

Saturday was a scorcher, which was great because it was a beach day. I went to Manly Beach to cheer on some friends playing Beach Volleyball for the Corporate Games. After a bit of a drive to Manly and then a long drive around Manly to find parking I finally made it on to the beach.  

Manly Beach approx 10am - 20/03

Beach steadily got busy during the day, but we mainly stuck to the courts. Went for a quick dip after hearing about all the rips and bluebottles in the water, didn't see any bluebottles but could feel the strong current and got out. After finishing the games we went to the pub for some food where we heard the shark alarm go off. Manly really did put it all on.

Girl with a bottle cap stuck on her back 

Team Double Drummer won one game from three, steadily got better during the matches. I didn't run on and lend my skills, I took a few photos and realised that my camera doesn't take movement very well and I can't really stand heat - high UV that day.

Mmmmm, Gelato

P and I cool off with some gelato at Messina in Darlinghurst. P got the Pavlova and I got the Banana Bread. Both very fantastic, a bit pricey at $4 a bucket but worth because they actually taste like what the say.

After a full day in the sun on Saturday I woke with a headache on Sun morning. I didn't go to the St Patrick's Day parade or the Greek Festival as planned. I did however get another shot of the window washer guy on the corner of Parramatta Rd and Johnston St Annandale.

Seen here in his Viking hat - 21/03

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Cryogenic whaaa!

Zeta at the Hilton in Sydney has been having this cocktail bar thing for the past few weeks. I have been there twice before and missed out on my Cryogenic cocktail twice. This time we got there early.

Woo Hoo! Had only wanted to stay for one drink with a busy day on the sat and much uni work to be done. There was so much on offer that we tried most thing. Firstly it was sorbet's, which were tasty but a little too sweet. A small cup was enough.

Then it was on o the fanciest of the 'drinks'. The nitrogen puffs. You pick your drink, mine was Pina Colada. They guy pours it into the bowl with liquid nitrogen and then done.  

The Nitrogen Puffs - 19/-03

It felt kind of crunchy, like was it would be like to eat real thick snow (I would imagine anyway). I had the Pina Colada and although there was only a little bit of flavour there was still a creamy texture. It was worth the burnt tongue I had the rest of the night.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

It's a bendy bus!!

Have to catch the bus to go to work. Don't really mind it as I get to go over the bridge and check out the view without fearing I may drive into oncoming traffic. On Thurs though I got a special treat. A bendy bus! Which is a bus about twice the length of a normal bus. I got on the bus at the first stop so I got my choice of seats. Naturally I choose the back seat. Cause I'm a bandit.

View from the back - 18/03

I noticed where the two buses meet is a circle. I was to busy scoring the back seat to pay to much attention. I have been informed that it is quite hard and a little fun to try and balance in the so called 'red circle of death'.

The young boy beside me gave me an odd look when he noticed my FB status updating and photography of this occasion. Punk kids.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

My 'crappy' camera

Woah, been a little slack of late. Not taken any exciting photos anyway over the few days I missed. Walked out the backyard, which is a small cement area. The sun was shiny through and the plants/trees out there looked great. Was going to take some 'real' photos on my film SLR but thought I would continue to learn on my crappy 3 yr old digital

Even though the mega pixels are ancient, the battery says that it is dead even though they are new, it has been dropped and has pieces of casing rolling around it still works.

Tree veins - 16/03

Ooooo, light

My flatmate had a friends bring back some supposedly awesome cookies from New Zealand, I was offered one and thought it would be highly rude to turn down.  Rather large chunks, not overly sickenly chocolatey. It was the packaging that hooked me in though.

Crazy eyed cookie man - 17/03

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Carry Moonbeams home in a jar...

Uni day. Got up fine. Even left early so I would be relaxed. But I drove which meant that I got stuck in the stoopid peak hour traffic and ended up arriving the same time that I normally do if i drive. More time for me to sing along to my iPod.
What could be the most pathetic excuse of a Latte

It wasn't given to me that way. I did get nearly 10cm of foam on the top, which I got to eat with a paddle pop stick. Incredibly disappointing. The coffee there was good last year, gone down hill. Two crosses so far.

Sorry for the sideways. My camera and computer are not friends and sometimes they won't talk and allow me to rotate photos. Just wondering who would actually spend $30 on these from Target got to hurry quick because right now they are on sale....

Moon Boots !!!

I like food that act like people. Food with smiley faces and arms and stuff. Saw these at Woolies, I already have Jam though. Damn it!

Drawing Jam makes breakfast more fun!!!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend of party goodness

Some friends had a BBQ on Saturday afternoon. This is the second party of theirs I have been to and they have been generous with the supply of food and other party related things, so I thought I would bring something along, some related to the theme of the day... Barbecue!

Hamburger Cupcakes - 13/03

I have seen these on a few blogs, but I mainly used Bakerella as my inspiration. Sadly, I used a recipe for the cupcakes which I felt wasn't going to make the amount I wanted (need to trust instincts). The cupcakes ended up a little smaller then I originally wanted. I folded the napkins to go around the hamburgers, made the holders a little small so was kinda lucky the cupcakes were small. Also made 3 different colours of icing for the lettuce, cheese and tomato sauce. I am all about the theme.

Internal shot

A few friends are in a beach volleyball team so I went along to cheer and hang about at the beach for a bit. Nice down at Maroubra Beach. Nice clear water, squeeky sand and many rocks to climb about on.

Rocks with streaky bird shit - 14/03

Plane flying overhead

Plane flew over when I was sitting watching the games. It cut a line between the clouds, you can see the top of the net and a ball hurtling through the air. Still feel a bit weird taking photos of people when not in a normal photo taking situation.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

It's a late one

Had an average day at uni, another sleep in day by accident. Just don't know why I can't seem to wake up. Got to uni about 10 mins after my class had started and realised that I forgot my cupcakes. They were not working anyway, must add more coffee next time.

Didn't have any cash so I decided to go to Macquarie Centre to get my fill of coffee, wandering and cash.

Got my coffee, very very average and it had burnt milk. It was from the food court so really can't expect too much.

There was a group of five older ladies at the table near me with a small tin of those ladies that Nan would usually have, I don't think anyone even had one. Just got me thinking. I wonder how long they had been friends for, what these ladies were like when they were younger etc.

My attempt at covert photography - 12/03

They were using full on hand gestures, I must of taken the photo at a more serious moment of the convo.

Also, I forgot to put my yesterday photo up yesterday.

I went for a walk around St Stephen's Anglican Church in Newtown, which is one of Sydney's oldest cemeteries. There is a wall joining St Stephen's to Camperdown Park that has heaps of graffiti, not paste-up or paintings. Just general writings. There is a lot of political stuff written on the wall.

Some good advice - 11/03

"Ask Questions. Twilight is Shit". I wonder if they are by the same author.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gettin' my organisin' orn

Finally went and printed out the rest of my photos from my camera. Took 40 minutes for them to fall out of the machine. I should have used my time wisely by doing some of my readings. Decided to go on a mission for post-it notes. Didn't get any Post-Its. None were good enough, or pretty enough, for me to scratch my hand-writing on and then slam in between some pages of a text book.

The crap on my desk and 133 newly printed pieces of 'art' - 10/02

Bit of an idiot though, forgot to get an album to display these fine specimens of photography.

Note the super kewl Post-It notes there on my comp? From kikki.K, it is a monkey hanging onto a giraffe. Hilarious. Have a bit of a chuckle whenever i use them.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cakes to be cupped

I have uni two days a week 'early' in the morning. Meaning my class starts at 9am. If I want to get there on time and not have to fall through the door and get stink eye from lecturers and fellow growing minded people, I have to get up at 6 in the AM! Shocking really.

By the time my mid lecture break comes about my neck is lolling about like the bit of spine that connects my back to my head had evaporated.

To combat the embarrassment that I have decided that I am in need of some sort of pep.

Found a recipe for a walnut and coffee cake, pffffftt. Not going to bake a cake, that takes at least 45 earthly minutes. Cupcakes only take 20 which gives me much more time to regret the fact that I can't really freeze these things, and to also find the cocoa that I needed to make the other recipe that I really wanted to make.

Coffee and Walnut cupcakes better deliver on the wake-ness. First trial will be on Friday morn.

Little sunflowers - 09/03

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Things to do and stuff

I have many things 'on the go'. Mainly it is sewing or craft stuff, books and The List.

Things are becoming a little crazy though. Items are being added, but nothing is taken off.

I have 10 books on my bedside to read. The top 4 are borrowed, and have been for many months. I really want to read these books, but am finding that I have crap time management. Am also back at uni so have weekly readings to do to though.

The stack - 08/03
I have read st least the first chapter of all of these books. The longest gone unread is the one at the bottom. I bought it when I was living in Leichhardt in 2004, sheesh. It even had a bus ticket in there.
Along with books is my need to create. Started knitting as it is easier then having to drag out my overflowing fabric box and machine. Just need to stop putting things on needles and cast-off.
Two scarves - 08/03
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Rainy start to the weekend in Sydney, was suppose to be rainy and stormy all weekend. To brighten the streets of inner west, the window washer at the intersection of Parramatta Rd and Johnston St Annandale decorated his 'office'. He has been doing it up of late, and getting dressed up himself.

Flowers and witch's hats - 05/03
Epic drive to Canberra on Friday, lots of traffic. Trip took a bit over 4 hours.
Sat morn we made Peach Upside Down cake. Mmmmm, check out the fantastic pattern of the peaches....
Cross-section to appreciate in all its glory - 06/03

Gallery was all booked out, went to Alice in Wonderland in 3D... Don't know how I felt about it. It was a film I was getting quite excited to see and now am feelin' a bit, meh. Doesn't feel like I watched it.
All Bar Nun for dinner and a few drinks, then onward for dancing and somewhere open.
Dancing in the street - 06/03

Sunday. Bit of a late start meant that we got to line up for the Paris exhibition at National Gallery of Australia. Massive lines, think it would have been a wait regardless of our arrival time.
Got to make use of the Portrait Galleries bathroom, shiny orange sculpture out the front.
Orange, shiny and bumpy - 07/03

Lines from Portrait Gallery into NGA - 07/03

The rains arrive, thankyou Canberra Times - 07/03
I had never seen a real life Impressionist painting so was quite the excited little rabbit. I got one of those audio tours, informative. It was really busy so am glad that the thought to pre-purchase was had.

Late Sunday and it was time to drive home. Decided, somewhat, to leave late and miss all the traffic. Alas, there was an accident around Goulburn. I don't like to just sit in the car, got a hot tip to got some back roads and hopefully avoid the traffic.
After about 15 mins, no sign postings, no phone reception and not a map in the car I began to get a little nervous. Whats the worse that could have happened really??? Arrived in Bungonia and found a map, we were on the right track.
Total travel time on way back, 4 hours. And an adventure was had.
Bungonia map in the middle of nowhere - 07/03

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Friday, March 5, 2010


Surprisingly, I am finding it difficult to do fun and exciting or even interesting things to photograph.

I had thought that if I were to make myself document everyday for a year that it would make me use my time better. For the first few weeks of the year (when I was doing this project) I did seem to do a fair bit. I was pretty busy every weekend, and did take alot of photos.

This project, the start date, started a week before uni started. I am in my third year and would really like to do really well this year. Past years I have just done the assignments, and not really thought about them. This year I wanted it to be different. Basically I wanted to over extend myself in every possible way I guess.

These things I am doing this are not exactly time consuming on there own, but they are adding up. Going from living a life of 'leisure' for a year, to having all my time filling up has made me question my time management capabilities.

Things on for 2010 - 365 Project, 3rd Uni, new and very casual job (an hour from uni and home), travelling around NSW New Years Resolution and trying to reduce or renew The List so it isn't full of things that made The List more than 2 years ago.

Walked home the long after going down Enmore Rd to find a cafe I used to like that no longer exists. I see Active Kids Child Centre with these unusual and kinda freaky artworks on the side of the building.

Active Kids Child Care Camperdown - 04/03

So, my 365 project which is suppose to be about my adventures and The List, now mainly consists of incidental things. I wanted the photos to be about things I have done, not just things I have some across.

I write 'things' way to much.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Woohoo!! Finally up to date.

And to honour such an occasion I will show a photo of some crackers. Really who does not like crackers?

This is an adapted picture of one of Utamaro's ladies. I assume it is adapted because this lady is holding a cracker.


Snapped that pic in Woolies. Felt a little like a secret agent, don't think they like people taking photos. Would have welcomed the confrontation to make my day a little more exciting.
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A new beginning

Had to wear a hat and scarf it was that cold. Autumn is officially here.

I much prefer the colder weather. I feels so nice to be able to rug up. I did plan on using Summer and going to the beach as much as possible. I think I went three time, during Summer I actually lived quite close to the beach and still didn't make the effort. Maybe I am not a Summery person.

Yeah! Hats - 02/03
Originally I took that photo because I got to wear the hat. But I suppose it is of the moment I thought "stuff it", and decided to just make the blog.

The main thing that has stopped me in the past is the name. I know that the name here is nothing profound and deep. I just wanted something to summarise the blog. Project 365, seemed to generic for what I wanted to do.

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Catching up

Nearly on time now. The date that is at the top should hopefully be the date of when the photo is taken. Hopefully.

I live in this house which has a fair bit of security which means I can leave my bedroom window open during the day to let air in. We have window grills.

I didn't take into account the large winds and the fat that my door has a dead lock.

Came home from uni and my door is shut... and it won't open.

Keys - 01/03

Message my flatmate G who tells me that there is a key in the kitchen for my bedroom. There is nearly 30 keys on here. Hey, what am I gonna do anyway? All the stuff I need is in my room.
Could this really be the most exciting thing to kick off Autumn? I guess so.
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Doh! Forgot my camera.

Last day of Chinese New Year.

After a bit too much of a sleep, I rushed down to Dragon Boat Races at Darling Harbour. I had a friend racing so I was keen to watch. With all my rushing I forgot my camera. Got a bit anxious without actually. I have always taken my camera with me, just in case somethng happened. Now that I am suppose to be looking for those moments I feel a bit anxious without it.

And there were many at Darling Harbour ; (

My Handbag - 28/02
I have a bad habit of picking up any free booklets or pamphlets or pretty much anything that is free. You can see my purse there on the left to give it a little perspective. I should buy a smaller handbag which would hopefully prevent this from happening in the future.
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Mardi Gras

This was my first Mardi Gras.

Got down there at a bit after 8pm, the parade started at about 745 from the start of Oxford St. We were standing around South Dowling and Flinders, not too many people about and a fairly good crowd.

Got there just in time to see parade chief Amanda Lepore come past.

Parade was good, some of the floats were really well done. I think if I were to go again I would try to get to the start of the parade. A few of those in the parade seemed a little tired by the time they got to us, and a few floats and marches whizzed past so we didn't get a great look.

One of the floats - 27/02
Can't remember who did this float, I just thought it was really simply and colourful. Many of my photos turned out really blurry.

When I first say this I thought that they Police were marching as part of the parade. That was until some of the Police turned around and pushed the crowd, that had joined, back. Last years parade ending in a fair bit of violence, so we weren't keen to hang around. I was pretty tired from the night before still, so onward we went to Surry Hills for a drink and an early night.


First week of uni, done!

Pretty happy and exciting about my subject choices for this year. First week of Uni usually means no tutorials. My 'Intimate Sphere' lecturer wanted us to stay back for tutorials to sort out presentations, which meant I had two hours between. I was heaps tired, so went for a kip in my car.

Interior of the Silver Bullet - 26/02
'Laying' there listening to the radio, I realised how much I really like my car. Don't know about love, that is a little excessive and disturbing. I have had this car for nearly 7 years, I don't look after great and fawn all over it. It gets a yearly clean inside and outside, and service when it's needed. It has moved me 7-8 times since I got it. Been pretty reliable. Think I would be a little sad to see it go now. On the way back home a few weeks ago the cassette player broke, the AC needs to be re-gassed and I think I have ducks living in my pedals.

Kings Cross Coca-Cola sign
Dinner at The Australian in The Rocks followed by a few other pubs with a finish in the Cross at 430 in the morning, so technically this photo is from the 27nd not the 26th, but meh.
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Last few days of the Chinese New Year Celebrations. Went for a walk around Chinatown and Paddy's Markets. Didn't really find anything that I was super keen to buy.

Squealing Sexy Lady - 25/02
These were.... er.... interesting. Never knew what to do with a rubber chicken, and am equally confused as to what I would do with a squealing sexy lady.
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Finally, I get to see it.

'Paranormal Activity' at Moonlight Cinema.

Watching Trailers - 24/02
Alot of people go to Moonlight Cinema. I had only previously been to the North Sydney Starlight Cinema. Moonlight was good because there were no lights, whereas at Starlight the large buildings and their signs can be a little distracting. But, at Moonlight we were giving chairs made out of cardboard that were not exactly comfortable but meant I didn't have to sit/lay on the dirt.

Squeeee! It's about to start
I had wanted to see this film since last years Sydney Film Festival. Nobody I knew wanted to go, so I missed out. Session for Moonlight came out and I thought it would be better to see it there in the dark, outside, with bats.
Was alot better. Bats really made the film better. They were low-flying and fighting and knocking the crap out of the tree I had to sit under.
I never thought that this film would be a cinematic masterpiece, it was just one that I thought would be better to see at an outdoor cinema.
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