Saturday, July 31, 2010

You've got a friend in me...

I went home for Mum's birthday which was on the Sunday so I got to entertain my Brother and go to the pictures with him, my niece and my cousin. They were pretty good and didn't talk throughout the movies.

Supa fly - 31/07

Mega huge glasses at the ol' Roxy Cinema Complex. They have the rechargeable ones which leave a hefty dint on your nose. 

We saw Toy Story 3. I really enjoyed it. Two of my crew had already seen it. A few laugh out loud moments and Ken would have to be my favourite character from this one. *big statement* perhaps from the whole series... *gasp.

- A

Friday, July 30, 2010

Going the distance

Trivial Pursuit with my seven year old brother is always exciting. It is the adult DVD one so I have to prompt answers from him.

Very fast game - 30/07

Game did not go this fast. I packed it up when he was only on 3 pieces and we were an hour and half into it. He talks a pretty big game so it is amusing. He knows everything about Netball ????

- A

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Smarty pants

Got one of my new pair of glasses. The ones that I were not particularly keen on. There were not that many others that I actually likes that were different then my definite pair. I do like the colours.

Smartz - 29/07

The issues I have with these is the bottom gap from lenses to side bits. Minor really. But they sit there and I don't know if it will bug me. Guy said my eyes have stabilised... as if there were on a plummeting downward slope before. Should be using these (and the other ones) for a fair while at least.

- A

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wellity wellity well

Slow day (rain). Think the power of the run has started to kick in. May need to back off... 40kgs is a little low.

Black tights and shoes - 28/07

Yeah, they can't all be winners. You have to have some losers to really appreciate the winners. At least it isn't another fuckin dinner post.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bill Bailey!!!!

Finally got to see Bill Bailey! Oooohh had wanted to on his last tour but did not. Hilarious. Highlights include: Lyrical analysis of Akon's 'Smack That', the Ood bit where the crowd woke and found they could talk to him... and many other moments that would be quite unfunny if I tried to repeat.

Playing the bike horns - 27/07

There was no rehashing of previous material which was appreciated. He did ref other jokes like the one where he was asked on a previous trip to Aust if he had and dirt of berries on him. You MUST get his DVDs if you are unable to make it to any shows. MUST. That's an order.

- A

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bridge and clouds and a few cars

One benefit of working Lower North Shore and living Inner West is being able to drive over the bridge most days. I bitch about the toll but I think it is kinda worth it for the (somewhat) view I get.

Cloudy bridge - 26/07

I don't actually look through my camera when taking these photos while driving. I pretty much wing it and take a few and have a look when I get home.

- A

Sunday, July 25, 2010

We can dance like Iggy Pop.

Aroma Festival is all things caffeine and chocolate. Would be one of my most fav festival if people who never go into the city stayed away. There are rules for walking about the city people. Chaos. Made worse by open topped hot items. Apart from that it was good.

There was a giant portrait of Marilyn made from coffee and milk.

Maz - 25/07

The festival is good it takes a bit to wander through the different 'quarters' and if there needs to be more tasters available. Restaurants in The Rocks are now also taking part and if I knew that I would have gotten lunch from Pony instead of my pasta dish.

- A

Saturday, July 24, 2010

She's like the wind

I have entered into the Sydney Running Festival... yeah. The only times I have ever run have been to the bus, up a few steps or maybe away from the cops cause that's how I roll. BooYah!

Stripes make me go faster - 24/07

A bit rough it is. I am only doing the 9km. I run like an elephant does so needing a lot of training at the moment.

- A

Friday, July 23, 2010

Adieu, Adieu to you

Farewell drinks for a friend going back home to the Mother Country. I manage to nail 3 beers in 2 hours because of an early start.

Drinks and iPhone - 23/07

Drinks were in Paddington. I had tried to catch a bus down to Railway Square alas I could not and had to brave the rain. Bright side! I did call in to a bookshop (at 1030) to come across some postcards of an artists I quite like and flick through his new book. Artist is Mark Ryden, feel free to pool all your money and purchase his new book for my birthday (sept 22).


Walking in rain is not so bad unless you have to decided to be all cool and stylish and wear ballet flats.


- A

ps: this is also my 100th post. Feel free to comment and congratulate me! 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh, happy day...

It's Ma's birthday soon. Frantaically looking for something exciting to get.

Hmmmm - 22/07

Can't reveal as I don't know if she is a regular reader. Did figure out how to take macro shots a bit better though. My camera does surprise me at times.

- A

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Giant steps are what you take

It's Moon Day!!!!

I have some bookmarks that tell me it is a 'celebration day' for days when I have nothing to post about. Or days when I just can't be bothered.

Turns out Moon Day celebrates not just that big ball in the sky but the day some guy took a bit of a turn on said ball.

Moon and spooky tree - 21/07

When taking the photo I did still find it unbelievable that some people have walked around up there. Not unbelievable like this guy but unbelievable worthy of a Keanu 'Whoa'.

- A

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

She's got the look

Lookin cool, lookin hawt!

Went glasses shopping. Not the super cool street kind but the I'm somewhat blind kind. Spent ages there because of an IT computer type problem which meant the guy had to continually ask me how I was going and make pleasant weather chat.

Heya - 20/07

I do believe these are called specs. I don't think my camera has captured the subtle sassy print on the sides these. For only $199 you too can increase your cool factor and street cred.

- A

Monday, July 19, 2010

sweet like chocolate

Missed out on last years World Press Photo because of utter laziness. This year NO MORE! So I went. It was good. First time I ever felt like being ill in a public place when I have no alcohol in my system, that could also have something to do with the recent illness.
I can usually handle this horrible stuff but I think that that is mainly when it is on film with fake people in staged situations. Looking at those photos and knowing that this stuff really happened to them is what may of made me feel sick. I really like the exhibition. It wasn't all war and death.  

1440 exhibition - 18/07

I also wanted to see the 1440 exhibition (which is still running) and saw this quote and, well, I liked it.

"consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk" - Edward Weston

Being so close, and in need of some pep, we went to Cafe Hernandez which has been on The List for at least a few years. The owner introduced Sydneysiders (possibly Australia) to Churros.

Mmmmm Chocolate

Didn't add that sugar... no need... churros was covered with the stuff. I really liked it. Really quite crunchy. The Churros are like deep-fried donuts and are dipped in the hot choc. Said to be a great cure for hangover. P maintains she has had better, I feel it was a good intro and would go back.

Leftover pudding on Sunday. Could this be the most exciting Best thing to encapsulate July 19th... yeah.

Goodness - 19/07

Should be going to the gym after that weekend now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

my brain is hurting

Quite Friday night at home because I had been feeling a bit ill and a wee bit migranic of late. Went to a friends for dinner and I made pudding. Yayz! no ice-cream in da house... NOOOO!!!

clippity clop - 16/07

Onwards to the shops where we were kindly escorted by some mounted police.

Still with a crackin' headache but the nausea subsiding after a and incredible long sleep I go to a concert at The Metro for FBi's Final Fling.


Fav sets included Jinja Safari, Kyu, Jonathan Boulet, Parades and Philly Jays.

Set list artistically placed - 17/07

Put in a pretty good effort considering my brain was seeping out of my pores and collecting in my handbag. Wish had been more sober (read: less meds) so I could enjoy and hear better... but what I did was funtastic.

- A 

May not of actually been escorted to shops on Friday

Thursday, July 15, 2010

please stand up

That massive bag of needles from my Nan is getting sorted! The large pile in the bottom part of the pic is 'misc'... needles without a mate.

My sanity in my piles - 14/07

I did like sorting them, going through stuff my Nan and her Ma had bought. I have kept but a few for myself. Hope my system will be understood.

A bit of street art in Newtown that I thought was quite nice.

'Love Stinks' - 15/07

I was trying to keep to a post everyday but it is proving a little difficult for some reason. Not all posts are posted on the date that I errr post them... hmmm. I backdate at times.... shady I know. How on earth can I be trusted.

- A

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's business time.

I made a skirt! I made a skirt from a shirt... how nifty am I.

Sassy - 13/07

I'd show a before picture but I'm pretty sure most people know what a XXL business shirt looks like. I put an elastic waist in it because I think I will mainly be wearing it like in the pic and I couldn't be bothered to do a waist band actually. Makes me look like I have large-ish hips I think.

- A

Monday, July 12, 2010

On the Road Again...

Massive week. Many a kilometre driven.

Went to Bathurst on Thursday afternoon to start the another 'A-Town' block with P. Doesn't seem to matter how early you try to get out of Sydney Parra Rd will always try and hold you up.

Parramatta Road - 08/07

Up early on Sun to drive about the Central West. This photo taken from the passenger seat of the Silver Bullet, whilst P was driving, outside of Cudal.

Tried to get some livestock in there... - 09/07

Went and saw my Nan T and helped her out with her computer and other things. In return I got some old cord piping, patterns, fabric and a gigantic bag of needles to sort through!! These were My Little Nana's and Nan has added to it a bit... I was after 6mm needles.

Needles - 10/07

Drive back after epic weekend of doing seven A-Towns for a total of 945Km.

The Beast - 11/07

Another fuckin dinner post! This time I actually made something. Well, I actually made the honey soy sauce and added Tempeh to the usual dinner I make. I also made a batch of Lemon Butter. That is a little hard to photograph though, just looks like a yellow jar really.

May need some lessons on plating up - 12/07

I will be starting up another blog soon just for the A-Town travel thing. I thought it would be too much all on the same one. Stuck on a name... have only had six months to think of a name. Will probably be something highly creative like 'A-Towns'!

- A

In other news my camera has decided to really prove the point that I repel technology by allowing me to take 20 photos and not returning from 'view' so I have to turn it off each time only to not even save the photos to the card.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Well, I am hotter than you" - Jacob

The literary masterpiece that is Twilight: Eclipse bought to 'life' on the big screen.

Eclipse - 07/07

Hmmmm, well it was alright. Some odd unnecessary scenes like the other films. Bella's Dad is quite funny and I do much prefer Jacob over Edward. Like most people I have a great dislike for Bella. She is a whiny moll who needs to get over herself. The sexy moments were a little uncomfortable... kinda awkward.

Think I'd see it again... on DVD... if someone lent it to me.

Thanks E for a lovely dinner and a hilarious night at the pictures.

- A

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Food glorious food

Dinner with the lay-deez in Glebe at Baja Cantina.

JoJo was in town for one night only! Mel, P and I all joined for some Mexican goodness. I had the MILD Chimichanga as did JoJo and Mel. P had the Tamale which did not look attractive and wasn't exactly tasty either apparently.

Not our dining companion - 06/07

Was a great dinner and wish we could all catch up more often. We always manage to have quite varied and easy conversations.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Attack of the killer coconuts

Bit if drive after I finished work early in the morn took me to Alexandria around where I lived when I first moved to Sydney.

Getting a bit nostalgic of late for some reason.

Belmont Lane - 05/07

A small wheely bin on the fence in the lane has some interesting factoids for those bothered to stop... me.

"coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. Approximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts*

*sourced from 'coolfacts' an app on my iPhone"

Have not checked the validity of this interesting tid bit.

- A

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Take a Dip in the Lake

Reading maps a few weeks ago and noticed that Centennial Park has a Model Yacht Pond (York Rd Gates). I guess I was hoping for a bunch of people in sailors hats or something. Turns out model boats are not that popular... I think it was a historical ref.

Luckily Lachlan Swamps did not disappoint! Basically, it is just an overgrown area that stinks like rotten eggs (a good thing). One little girl was pretty happy "come over here you can see the swamp water better!" Little sister was just as enthused.

Paperbark tree - 04/07

A friend had one of these out the front of their house when I was a kid. As much fun as putting glue on your finger and peeling it off. I'm sure my sis told me a bullshit story about how people wrote books on the 'paper'.

A spot of fishing can be had at Centennial Park. That is if you dig on your fish being marinated in algae. Didn't stop these fellows. For some reason many people were confused by photo taking at this pond. It has happened before where people look at me, look at where I'm locking at and back and forth it goes. I wonder if others have this issue??? It's not that strange.

Sun behind the 'Do Not Fish' sign

Just realised I probably should have done something '4th July' 'Independance Day' related...well tomo is apparently Caribbean Day.

- A

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I roam around

Thought I should get crackin on some things that have been sitting on 'The List' for sometime. And... don't think I have done a 'The List' post on here which is odd (and stoopid) considering the title of the blog.

First up Brett Whiteley Gallery in Surry Hills. I have always been a massive fan of his work thanks to the influence of Ms Chant, high school art teacher.

Entrance with matchsticks - 03/07

The gallery is at his last studio and home and you get to watch the doco in his loungeroom on his couch (apparently). In his bedroom/studio there were quotes written on the walls. Was unsure if I was allowed to take photos, made sure the flash was off anyway.  

I found the studio really inspiring actually. It looks like this way the way he left his stuff, with a display of his books, CDs and a somewhat (artistically) messy bed. Makes me wish I stuck at painting, or at least inspires me to be more creative.

On the way to Oxford St I saw Object Gallery. Been on 'The List' for a while (don't know why) I think I took it off because I got it confused with some other space.

Really small space. Mainly glass/resin pieces. There was a travelling exhibition called Inside Out which is on until late July.

The exhibition consists of forty-six artists who made their artworks by producing a computer file of the artwork. The file is the produced by a computer using resin. The artists don't get to see a physical copy of the work until the exhibition.

All this info can be found through the links. I would recommend going to the site and reading about the process and the works before going, makes you appreciate and understand it more. I had no idea about the concepts and meanings of it until I started writing this post. I just thought they looked cool.

'Just Looking: Head Sculpture Created with Eye Tracking' - Kevin Badni

'Cirripedia' - Fleur Summers

Not on the list. Liked the typography and the way (possibly unintentionally) the text is coming apart at the bottom. Not a saucy bit of graffiti, just a sign pointing you to the bikeshop around the corner.

I have heard that Christopher's is one of the best shops that do traditional Greek cakes... and it is on 'The List'.

An assortment of goodies.

My selection.

(from the back) Kourambiedes {almond shortbread}, Amigthalota {Greek almond, consistency of a coconut macaroon} and a Lemon Petit Foure {continental pastry with lemon filling}. I liked the Amigthalota the best.

Rushcutters bay.

Parking to get to Christopher's took me back to when I came to Sydney in year 12 for a Life Management excursion. LM was a subject close to my current degree (Sociology). We went to Mission Australia to meet some homeless folk for a chat. This was also the first time that I had seen a real life needle in the street! Followed that up with lunch looking at over-priced yachts on the bay. 

Getting a bit peckish, onwards to Harry's. True I did come here a few weeks ago whilst giving a friend, on her last night in Sydney, a whirlwind Sydney city tour. Didn't get anything to eat though.

I got the Meat Pie and Mash. I thought it came with peas, alas it did not. The pie has real meat. Like steak not mince, I think the mash is actual mash and not Deb style mash like I was thinking it could be. Obviously it was going to be good. It has been open for a little while ... (1940's actually).

The man himself surveys my choice.

Sitting a bit of a spell enjoying the view whilst I nail my pie.

That was my epic afternoon. I managed to get six places off 'The List'. Two places I discovered have closed, can't really remember why they were on it anyway. Think I'll try and spread he adventures out form now on. Don't really like the epic postings.

- A